To our clients, business associates, and other friends,
First, we hope everyone continues to remain healthy and safe during these difficult times. Some of you, we know, have been more personally affected than others, but the past six months have been a strain for everyone and the return to normal almost seems to be receding into the distance. Certainly, the new normal will not be the old normal.
As an essential service, we were fortunate to remain open to provide our clients with the services that they needed. We will continue to do so. The COVID-19 pandemic required some limits on in-office contact to protect our clients, our staff, and society at large against further spread of the virus. Nonetheless, we were able to provide clients with the assistance they needed, sometimes using creative ways to work within the necessary restrictions.
As we go forward, we will continue to limit office in-contact, but want you to know that we continue to be available to serve our clients’ needs in all of the same areas of law.
Are We Available to Answer Questions or Solve Legal Problems in Our Usual Areas?
Yes. As explained further below, we have moved into technological availability – telephone, email, video-conferencing. Do not hesitate to call or contact us if you have a concern in our area of expertise.
What Are We Doing to Protect You and Our Staff?
- We have canceled all in-office conferences until further notice and have closed the office to all outside visitors.
- We’ve taken extensive steps to enable attorneys and staff to work securely from office or home without disruption.
- We are rescheduling appointments as telephone conferences to replace in-office meetings. Going forward, all new appointments will be scheduled to take place via telephone or video conferencing until further notice.
- If you feel you must meet with an attorney, call and talk to the attorney or his or her assistant to assess what is required. We will try to accommodate you if we can do so safely for all concerned.
- As a courtesy to our clients, we are waiving our customary 3% credit card fee for those who wish to pay their bills by credit card instead of mailing a check. Instructions on how to pay that way are included in each bill.
- We will continue to provide you with the best and most knowledgeable services possible. As we continue to navigate these waters and find balance between work, home, family, and safety, we appreciate your patience and understanding that response times may be slower than usual.
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself and Those Around You?
We encourage our clients and business associates to continue to use simple,
everyday actions that protect us all from respiratory viruses, including:
- Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (a good way to remember how long to wash your hands is by silently singing the “happy birthday song ” or “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”). If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from others and do not shake hands or hug.
- Avoid large gatherings where social distancing guidelines may not be followed effectively.
- Stay at home if you are not feeling well, especially if you are feverish, coughing, or short of breath. If you have those symptoms, seek medical care promptly.
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with the inside of your elbow; if using a tissue, dispose of it immediately into a closed bin and clean your hands with alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and water.
- Clean and disinfect frequently-touched objects and surfaces by using disinfectant spray or wipes.
Thank You for Your Understanding and Cooperation as We Navigate This Challenging Time.
The best advice evolves and changes constantly. We continue to monitor and take necessary precautions prescribed by the Center for Disease Control.
We have always been dedicated to providing you with the highest level of professional service in every way possible. Implementing these precautionary measures is a reflection of our care and dedication to you.
For some additional information regarding the Coronavirus, here are resources from the CDC:
CDC - Coronavirus Overview
CDC - Frequently Asked Questions