Medicaid (not Medicare) is the Federal-State health benefits program whose most important feature, for many people, is that it pays the cost of long term nursing home care for the elderly and disabled. Medicare does not, nor does private health insurance except for long term care insurance.

We handle all aspects of Medicaid long term care. We can assist you in planning for eligibility, arranging your assets to qualify at the earliest possible time, while setting aside as much as possible for yourself, spouse, or children or grandchildren. We handle all aspects of applications, representing you at the local Medicaid offices and handling every aspect of the application until we get a final determination from the local Medicaid office. We also handle on-going disputes with Medicaid, including for example the problems that arise when a spouse dies. Finally, we can also represent you with respect to estate recovery, where Medicaid attempts to enforce its right to recover back from the probate estate of a deceased beneficiary what it has paid for his or her care.
​Can we help you with your Medicaid needs? Contact us to discuss your situation.
How Else Can We Help?
Our firm is highly specialized in both Elder Law and Disability Law. This means that our accomplished attorneys can assist you in everything from Estate Planning to Medicaid eligibility to Special Needs Trusts.
Special Needs Trusts & Disability Planning
We can inform you of your estate planning options, including which special needs trust is best suited for your family. The goal is to assure that your disabled family member retains or can become eligible for public benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income and Medical Assistance.