Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney
We can assist you with identifying your estate planning goals and the most effective way to accomplish them. We will analyze your financial and health care circumstances to develop a plan to meet your needs and wishes.
Estate planning documents include:

Will(s) that may or may not include special trust provisions and/or revocable trust
General Powers of Attorney for Financial Matters
Health Care Powers of Attorney
Advance Health Care Directive
​Can we help you with your Estate Planning needs? Contact us to discuss your situation.
Upcoming Estate Planning Seminar
In an effort to help you, our firm regularly offers a free seminar on Estate Planning. RSVP below to join accomplished attorney Helen Whelan for a free discussion about the general options for estate planning and why they are necessary.
How Else Can We Help?
Our firm is highly specialized in both Elder Law and Disability Law. This means that our accomplished attorneys can assist you in everything from Estate Planning to Medicaid eligibility to Special Needs Trusts.
Special Needs Trusts & Disability Planning
We can inform you of your estate planning options, including which special needs trust is best suited for your family. The goal is to assure that your disabled family member retains or can become eligible for public benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income and Medical Assistance.